Description The sudden, unexpla...
The sudden, unexplained death of a seemingly healthy infant younger than one year old. Most Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) deaths occur when babies are between two months and four months old. SIDS remains the leading cause of death for infants in the first year of life. The exact cause of SIDS is not known but the following recommendations can reduce the risk: place the baby on its back to sleep, do not smoke during pregnancy, offer a pacifier at sleep time, consider breast feeding, use a firm crib mattress, do not surround the baby with pillows, have the baby sleep in a crib, keep the baby's crib nearby and keep the baby's room at a comfortable temperature.
See description
Common tests used for diagnosis and treatment
A history and physical exam will be done. The doctors may perform an autopsy to determine other causes of the infant's death.
A history and physical exam will be done. The doctors may perform an autopsy to determine other causes of the infant's death.
The exact cause of SIDS is not known but the following recommendations can reduce the risk: place the baby on its back to sleep, do not smoke during pregnancy, offer a pacifier at sleep time, consider breast feeding, use a firm crib mattress, do not surround the baby with pillows, have the baby sleep in a crib, keep the baby's crib nearby and keep the baby's room at a comfortable temperature.