Description Delusional disorder...
Delusional disorder is an uncommon form of psychosis. The affected person is fixated on a false belief that has no basis in reality. The belief is held firmly despite evidence to the contrary. Several types of delusions are possible and include feelings of persecution or jealousy, feeling controlled by an outside force or irrational bodily complaints.
The main symptom is a firmly held irrational belief. These beliefs can be erotic, persecutory, jealous, grandiose or related to irrational bodily complaints.
Common tests used for diagnosis and treatment
A complete history and physical will be performed. Blood and imaging tests may be ordered to exclude other causes of the patient's symptoms.
Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Electrocardiogram (EKG), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Urinalysis (UA), X-ray
Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Family Practice
A complete history and physical will be performed. Blood and imaging tests may be ordered to exclude other causes of the patient's symptoms.
Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Electrocardiogram (EKG), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Urinalysis (UA), X-ray
Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Family Practice
Treatment is difficult because the patient may not believe they have the disorder. Antipsychotic medications and psychotherapy are the mainstays of treatment.