Description Beneath the skin an...
Beneath the skin and muscle of the abdominal wall, the organs of the abdomen are covered by a lining called the peritoneum. Inflammation or infection of this lining is peritonitis. The most common cause is a rupture in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, a ruptured appendix can cause peritonitis. If untreated this can lead to an overwhelming infection and death.
Abdominal pain, tenderness, abdominal distention, fever, low urine output, nausea and vomiting, thirst, fluid in the abdomen, inability to pass feces or gas.
Common tests used for diagnosis and treatment
A history and physical exam will be performed. The cause of the peritonitis can be determined using a CT scan, MRI or through direct examination at surgery.
Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Lipase, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Urinalysis (UA)
General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery
A history and physical exam will be performed. The cause of the peritonitis can be determined using a CT scan, MRI or through direct examination at surgery.
Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Lipase, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Urinalysis (UA)
General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery
The cause must be identified and treated promptly. Treatment typically involves surgery and antibiotics.