Description Babies generally ge...
Babies generally get their first teeth between 3 and 7 months. Experts disagree whether the appearance of teeth actually causes symptoms. Most healthcare providers believe babies who are teething experience drooling, mild gum swelling, and fussiness. Most pediatricians do not think teething causes fever or diarrhea.
Drooling, crying, fussiness or irritability, increased biting on objects, decreased appetite, poor sleeping.
Common tests used for diagnosis and treatment
A history and physical exam will be done to rule out other causes of the baby's symptoms.
Pediatrics, Family Practice
A history and physical exam will be done to rule out other causes of the baby's symptoms.
Pediatrics, Family Practice
Giving the baby something to chew on such as a rubber teething ring, cold washcloth, or a teething biscuit can help reduce the discomfort. Tylenol can be given if the baby is fussy, but consult your healthcare provider before administering. Never give babies aspirin since there is a risk of Reyes' syndrome developing.