Description Somatization disord...
Somatization disorder is the development of and preoccupation with physical symptoms that cannot be fully explained based on medical testing. The symptoms develop over years and can lead to impairment in normal daily functioning. The symptoms are varied and involve many different areas of the body. The person with somatization disorder has real symptoms and is simply not "faking it." It is thought that the symptoms may be the result of abnormal brain function or emotional regulation. Individuals with the disorder often have depression and anxiety as well.
Symptoms are varied and can involve multiple areas of the body. Symptoms may include pain in various body parts (example: chest, abdomen, musculoskeletal pain) vomiting, diarrhea, sexual dysfunction, painful periods, numbness, weakness or seizures.
Common tests used for diagnosis and treatment
A history and physical will be performed. There are no specific tests to diagnose somatization disorder. Blood and imaging tests may be performed to exclude other potential diagnoses.
Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Troponin, Urinalysis (UA), Ultrasound
Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice
A history and physical will be performed. There are no specific tests to diagnose somatization disorder. Blood and imaging tests may be performed to exclude other potential diagnoses.
Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), CT Scan, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Troponin, Urinalysis (UA), Ultrasound
Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice
Treatment may involve referral to a psychiatric professional after all treatable medical causes of the symptoms have been excluded. Psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have been shown to improve symptoms.